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TBD Touched by Dibella armor mods


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I just recently started using the Touched by Dibella body mod and was wondering if anyone who knows how to make armor would be willing to indulge me in a request for a simple armor conversion set of the vanilla armor to make it look skimpy/sexy with this body mod or at least convert a few to look like this say daedric and dragonbone as well as steel plate and ebony. If possible maybe a few of the Tera heavy and light armor's as well to work with this body mod?

I would greatly appreciate the time and effort out of all the body mods I've seen the TBD is personally my favorite and lacks in the way of armor conversions I personally don't know how to use the body slide and outfit studio very well at all for me it's frustrating and difficult to work with.

Edited by Dante079
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