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Skill Gained Per Level tracker of come kind


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I don't know if this exists or is possible. I can't get a level in one sitting usually don't have that kind of time commit. I can't remember what all my skills were at the beginning of the level so I end up writing it down every time I gain a damn skill.

Maybe I'm just a pot head and others don't have this issue. In anycase its a pain in the ass. Is there a mod or a tracker of some kind that could be like this level you have gained " 2 marksmen, 6 blade 2 block etc" ?

If not is it even possible to do?

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Its possible to track those things, but I don't think anybody has made the mod for it yet. In anycase you'd be better of with the pen and paper, just start recording from the begining of a level then tape it to the monitor when you log off.
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