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(Idea) Better Melee


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This idea would ideally work in conjunction with my previous suggestion found here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3534325-idea-better-damage-mechanics/


It could stand alone though.




The basic premise behind this overhaul is to make melee feel more immersive and responsive, not necessarily more realistic in appearance.


My proposals:


I. Fix Bugs


  1. The first thing that needs to happen is that 3rd person melee needs to get fixed. After taking rank 3 (I think) in swing for the fences, your player character will no longer perform melee attacks while in moving in 3rd person. You have to stand still, or alternatively press attack and walk forward simultaneously to perform a directional attack.


II. Melee Speed & Heavy Melee


  1. Increase the speed of melee attacks by about 50%.
    (The problem with melee attacks moving at a realistic speed, as they do now, is that it creates too much latency. When you decide to melee attack there is a delay between your thought and you clicking the mouse, and then, because of the "realistic" animation, there is a second delay between your character revving up an attack and swinging. Someone in an actual melee fight would have their weapon ready to strike on impulse. Since you're your player character does not do this, they need increased speed to compensate.)
  2. Reduce the AP cost of heavy melee attacks.
    (Heavy Attacks will probably have their speed increased simultaneously when the speed of normal attacks is increased. Even so, the AP cost for heavy attacks should not be as high as it is in vanilla. Currently heavy attacks cost similar AP to a VATS melee attacks. Both can stagger a blocking target, but VATS has the substantial added benefit of almost never missing when used with melee. Heavy Attacks need value, and allowing them to serve as a cheaper guard breaker would do just that.)



III. Improved Blocking Mechanics


(I am personally sick to death of getting staggered by guys who block machettes with their bare forearms. I find it to not only be extremely frustrating but also very immersion breaking.)


  1. Have the standard attacks for "fast" melee weapons and fists behave normally. Only allow their heavy attacks to stagger blocking targets if the targets are wielding either nothing or a "fast" melee weapon of their own. If the enemy is blocking with a"medium" or "slow" melee weapon, or if the enemy is wearing power armor while blocking the heavy attacker should be staggered as if he was using a standard attack.
  2. Have the standard attacks for "medium" melee weapons penatrate and stagger enemies blocking with their fists or "fast" melee weapons. Allow their heavy attacks to stagger ANY enemies who aren't blocking with power armor. If the enemy is blocking while wearing power armor, the heavy attacker should be staggered as if he was using a standard attack.
  3. Have the standard attacks for "slow" melee weapons pentrate and stagger any enemy blocking without power armor. Allow their heavy attacks to stagger any and all enemies reguardless of what they're wielding or if they are wearing power armor.
  4. To compensate for their inferior penatration power, "medium" and especially "fast" melee weapons should have their damage values increased so they outpace slow weapons with reguards to DPS.




What do you think folks? should a sledgehammer really be stopped by a firm pair of arms?

Edited by Shayu
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