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How does the ricochet perk work?


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I currently have a mod on the nexus that shows more detailed descriptions about the perks ingame. The next perk that i was looking at was the ricochet perk trying to understand how this perk works by looking at in with fo4edit.


Currently i have determined that the perk at rank one grants the user a 5% chance to ricochet for semi-auto and heavy weapons and a 1% chance for fully auto weapons and the minigun. This chance seems to only apply when the target is at 100 hp and/or the target is at 40% of its current health.


The problem is that i am unable to determine if there is a percentage increase when the player loses health and at this moment i wonder if there is any increase despite the description on the vanilla perk.


Thanks for any help on this matter, lets figure out this how this rather interesting and confusing perk works.

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