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Need a Saved Character !!!


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My hard drive was reformatted after I finished Oblivion. Now I want to play the expansion packs but don't want to start form the beginning. Does anybody know of saved characters that are totally decked out wih all the goodies that I can start the expansion packs with?
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You can't expect tp play level one shivering Isles with level 50 equipment. It would unbalance the thing to the point where it was laughable. Play them at level one. No need to go through the game again.
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You can't expect tp play level one shivering Isles with level 50 equipment. It would unbalance the thing to the point where it was laughable. Play them at level one. No need to go through the game again.


well not really, but sharing save gams will vulk your game up, cause of diffrent patches, Mods

and other diffrent thing, if you want goodies, press | then type: coc testinghall and press enter

then you end up in a hall where you can pick what ever you want armor Alchemy Enchanting and many other things

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