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Shadows of Corruption


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Celeste, who had been riding behind and slightly to the side of Abraham as they continued descending through the foothills, was startled out of her thoughts by the sound of the whiskey bottle shattering on the rock. Chevalier was not fazed, thank the Maker - she had no idea if she could have gotten him under control if he had shied. She, however, was more than a bit concerned. As she saw Abraham reach for another bottle of alcohol, she urged Chevalier ahead a bit and rode alongside the former Templar, glancing sideways at him and giving him a worried look with her large, blue eyes, "You know...you're no good to us drunk, Ser Abraham."


After a few moments of watching the road ahead, she added, "You were kind enough to listen to me when I needed an ear. I would be happy to return the favor, should you require it."

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Wind enjoyed one last piece of the Elk leg before they departed on their long trek to Redcliffe. As they trodded along he noticed his companions sorrow and his efforts to find a solution in the bottom of a bottle. Wind sighed, he had seen it before. "Yes my metal-plated friend, no solution to whatever problem you may be having can be found in that." He said with a slight smirk but a worried look as he rode along Abraham's side. "Who am I to deter a man from a friendly drink?" He added with a cheeky smile, "But I would rather see a friend enjoy that drink rather then drink to drown his sorrows." He said as he patted the Templar on the shoulder with a loud metallic clank, then retracted his hand and shook it to stem the flow of pain through his fingers.

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Abraham was unable to find another source of alcohol before his companions chimed in with a clear sense of worry in their tunes. While the Templar lowered his head rather grumpily at first, he soon appreciated their concern despite his outburst. "Aye, that'd be true..." He remarked to both the Enchantress and the Crow regarding the ineffectiveness of such drink alleviating his uncertain woes.


The elderly warrior seemed more than a little apprehensive about opening up to his fellows before he eventually did just that, "Matters have been quite strenuous for the past while, excluding our misfortune in the Deep Roads..." He paused momentarily as he adjusted his grip on the reigns of his steed, "I feel worn thin, threatening to unravel at the seams. Perhaps I might retire to a few days' rest in Redcliffe once we conclude our business there..."


While speaking briefly with Celeste and Wind did seem to settle Abe's unrest to a certain extent, he refrained from mentioning what actually troubled him most. Those drunken visions still taunted him from the furthest recesses of his conscience, but at least he had a worthy distraction to keep his mind of them.

Edited by FreemasonGamer
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Listening to Abraham, Celeste furrowed her brow and thought a moment, eyes returning to the road momentarily. Then, she replied, "I've...made a hobby out of cooking up potions now and then. Perhaps I can make you something that would calm your nerves...relax you, maybe? It would be no trouble..."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wind chuckled as Celeste offered to make a potion for the moody Templar. The elf clutched Lucky's reigns in his hand and smiled wide. "What you need for those nerves isn't a potion or a drink, you need the tender embrace of a kind and gentle lady." He chuckled with a wink, "Perhaps when we get to Redcliffe, one of the local girls may grow fond of you, I am sure the dark and moody thing works for some." Added the Dalish.


"I know I will enjoy a deserved break in the local tavern." He said as he rubbed his belly, "Squash fritters with a leg of Nug. Peach pie with spun sugar." He licked his lips as his mouth watered, "All washed down with a tall mug of the famous Redcliffe Ale." Wind looked up and let his mind race with the thought of good food.

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Celeste, upon hearing Wind's remark to Abraham about "local girls," curled her lip in distaste at the same time she felt a blush flush her cheeks a bright pink. Then, when he went on about his own plans for Redcliffe, she smacked her palm to her forehead and closed her eyes.


"Maker...we've failed our employer, barely escaped the Deep Roads with our lives, and all you can think about is food, drink, and women?" she sighed.


Then, at that moment, they broke through the treeline and found themselves on a high ridge overlooking the rest of the Hinterlands. There, in the distance, a shining grey spot just below the horizon, was Redcliffe.

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Wind winked at the dainty mage and chuckled, "Of course!" He said with a wide smile, "What shall one do after staring death in the face?" He paused for effect and then looked forward, "The only viable thought that comes to mind is to enjoy being alive... and I find that enjoyment in good food, strong drink and pretty women." The elf gripped Lucky's reigns tightly and gave Celeste a roguish grin.


When Redcliffe appeared on the horizon he felt his heart swell, it was a fair sized village but it still had a small hamlet feel which made it all the more attractive, Wind had traveled far but his travels never brought him to Redcliffe so the chances he would encounter anyone from his past was remote, and he knew that fact would let him sleep well and heavy for the first time in a great while.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Celeste's response to Wind was merely a raised brow before she clicked her tongue to urge Chev into a trot down the road towards the town. She was eager to get this meeting over with, and something told her it was not going to be a pleasant one at all...

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"A hobbyist alchemist? Erm, perhaps..." Contemplation of a serious nature soon colored Abraham's reddened, weathered countenance while he considered Celeste's homebrew elixirs as a possible method of relieving his stressed state of mind. Even though the thought of drinking an amateur's makeshift potions concerned the old warrior, he trusted that the Enchantress was no amateur regarding the craft. If she did actually manage to concoct some sort of brew to ease his restlessness more effectively than ale or whiskey, then Abraham would have leaped in joy if not for his back. However, what if such potions were more addictive than alcohol or had some unseen baleful impact to his health? Such doubtful concerns plagued the veteran's mind until the elf's suggestion reached his ears.


The man's dark red brows settled heavily over his critical gaze as it settled upon the Dalish, the former Templar's steed flicking his ears back and lowering his head tentatively after sensing his rider's irritation. "I'll not pay for a wench's shallow solace, friend," Abraham countered unforgivingly, shrugging his stony attention forward before spurring his horse forward a few paces, "Nor will I seek out any woman's company solely for my own comfort." He felt passionate about seldom few matters, but Abraham felt quite passionate about the matters of romance if Wind's alternative could be given such a noble denomination. An old soul, through and through, the man wouldn't tolerate even considering such a hollow outlet to ease his distress; he respected others' right to regard their more carnal desires however they pleased, but Abraham had never fancied the idea of pursuing them other than through determined commitment.


Had it not been for Wind distracting Abe's thought with the fond fantasizing of delicious food and tasteful drinks, the warrior would have likely sunken back into his brooding habit then and there. A plate loaded with beef or venison accompanied by fresh onion, potatoes, and greens taunted Abraham horribly, and he too soon busied his thoughts with the prospect of a fulfilling meal, his two companions conversing with one another in the meantime. The pair didn't seem to see eye to eye on all matters, either. "Wind's logic is sound enough. At the very least, a wholesome dinner ought to lessen the troubles of any day, even if my a minuscule degree." Grumbled the now-hungry old man as he rode along.


The sight of Redcliffe in the distance once their small party emerged from the forest also helped Abraham's mood somewhat, the opportunity of progress brightening his demeanor to an extent.While he far from anticipated breaking the news of their failure in the Deep Roads to their employers, the former Templar knew it had to be done regardless. After the matter was taken care of, hopefully another purpose would reveal itself to them.

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Celeste smiled as Abraham considered her offer, "I pride myself on the quality of my alchemical elixirs. I can assure you I will give you nothing less than a perfect tonic, should you but ask."


His subsequent response to Wind, however, rendered her speechless. His words earned her respect, more than she already held for the old ex-Templar, and she found herself wondering if it was his raising, his career in the Chantry, his own personal code, or all of the above that led him to think in such a manner.


She had much time to contemplate it; the sun had just dipped below the horizon when they finally arrived on the outskirts of town. Chevalier huffed loudly as Celeste slowed him down to an easy amble, looking for a spot to stable their animals.


"Well," the mage said at length, fatigue lacing her words, "Here we are."

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