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Leather armor replacer information


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Does anyone happen to know where in the heck this is from? I've seen it around a few times but I've never been able to find a source. Any information would be greatly appreciated, as this is leagues better than the vanilla leather armor.



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  • 2 years later...

I use Cuir Bouilli and love it. I have never revisited vanilla leather, since it came out. It also has long sleeves, in addition to kneepadded pants. The sleeves and pants are from the theives guild armor, which I suspect is why the TG boots fit well with it.


I'm not sure, however, if the OP wanted pant legs and sleeves, or armor in which the _1 mesh didn't look as skinny as the _0 mesh, which is an issue I have with vanilla. If that's the case, I would also be interested to know where this pic above came from.

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