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BoS Power Armor Paints *SPOILERS*


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I find it annoying that I don't have access to the BoS Knight Sergeant(BoS III) or BoS Elder (BoS VII) paint schemes without destroying the Brotherhood, but if you do that, you miss out on the Setinal paint. If someone could add Elder Maxon's PA to his room on the airship, and Knight SGT Gavil's to where he normally hangs out, then if one wanted, they could steal the pieces off them and have those two paint schemes.


Also, there are paint schemes in the files for Initiate(BoS) and Knight Captain(BoS IV), but currently no way to get them.


Even a mod that makes it so you don't skip the Knight SGT and Knight CPT ranks would both prolong the BoS storyline, and possibly give access to the paint schemes without having to console them or steal them. Only paint schemes that you would have to steal are Elder and initiate...


I dunno, I just want to have the complete set of T-60 BoS to BoS VII PA.

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