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My new workshop items build INSIDE the surface, help please


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I try to make some new standalone decoration static items on the workshop. They work perfectly except they are building INSIDE the surfaces, NOT ON them. :pinch:


I tried many thing with many times to fix that but I can't figure how. The center of model is always stuck on the ground/table etc...

I saw this kind of things in early release of some workshop mods but it seems to be fixed now. Is anyone know how to make my stuff be correct, it will save my mod ... and my day! :sweat:

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I already used this property set to 1.

The only thing it changed that I can put my static also inside a table not just inside the ground x")


I also use the WorkshopIgnoreSimpleIntersections prop (tried not set, set to 1 or 10000...) but it doesn't either change anything. :/

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How did you create your new static?


One thing to note is that .nif files (workshop models) have a snap node (usually) that tells the item where to snap to i.e against a wall, on top of a table etc.


What I really need to know is how did you add the item as a buildable workshop item?

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This sounds like a bounds issue. If the model you're adding is set up so its bounds are symmetrical across the origin, when told to be craftable in game, it will sink to wherever the zero point will be unless you give it a property to tell it otherwise. You can add a ConnectPoint to the model file with the name P-WS-Origin and with WorkshopConnectPoints as the root, and set the value of its translation/rotation that to be the base of whatever model you're working with. It usually will start working with me, but I have experience random crashes on a couple items I used this property on, so use at your own risk

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It's excatly I made today, but it still not working... just nothing changed.

Do I have to change the static z bounds too to be adjusted to the ConnectPoint..?


EDIT : I did it.. nothing changed.

Edited by Zoran07
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