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Got corruption, lots of mods show uninstalled but I dont notice?


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I was installing Detailed Terrain, but after it was done my TES Mod Manager shut down and I got some message that there had been a corruption. When I started the mod manager again I think I got some message saying it was going to retrieve some things from Steam.

When the mod manager opened it looked like many mods had been uninstalled with their red icons on them (picture at bottom)

However after testing the game everything that was showing up as uninstalled was still in the game. I have went around looking at all the textures I have installed and they are still there, like the Statues HD, Hi Res Soul Gems, Ninroot retexture etc.

Also other mods that are also showing up as red uninstalled and are more about "gameplay" are still working as normal, like the Elven map redux and No Sneak Eye.

The only mod I noticed that was not in the game anymore was Signpost retexture for some reason so I reinstalled that (but i cant be totally 1000% sure I had not accidently removed it earlier)


But what really happened with this corruption and why are so many of my mods showing up as red uninstalled now even though they are working in the game? And can/should I do something about this?



Edited by mileafly
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This has occasionally happened with me with OBMM. In my experience, the program has just lost track of the files - something has broken its connection to them. It means you can't uninstall them directly. The way around it? "Reinstall" each mod (using identical settings, to be sure), then uninstall. You'll need to overwrite. If that's too much to do or doesn't work, you'll have to do a clean install.

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