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Eyelid texture is a bit off - What could cause this?


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The right eye lid has a weird light brown texture that I can't figure out what is causing it for the life of me. The skin texture for the head is SG texture. Since a little bit of it is showing on the right eye as well, maybe it's suppose to be there, just not symmetrical to the other eye lid. No eye lash mods either. Kind of looks like a bad eyelash texture permanently fixed on the upper eye lid as well.


Recently, I tried swapping the femalehead.dds with Eirlies SG texture. That fixed the issue but I can't use this file for mod publishing, so I can't use it. I've also tried fair skin's version of femalehead.dds which ended up having the same problem.


How can I go about fixing this if I try to edit the .dds file? I have no experience in texture creation. Only swapping atm. A picture of the issue is in the spoiler button.






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Ideally you would want to export one of the female head meshes to a 3d app then create an image of it's UV map that you can overlay ontop of your texture to see how it corresponds to where it will be on the 3d mesh, makes life a lot easier but may be frustrating to figure out if you have little experience of 3d editing applications.


In this case, since you have a texture that the issue is fixed with, the quickest way to go about this might be to load the working texture on top of the one you are editing as another layer in gimp / photoshop etc (making sure it is the same resolution, resize if needed), then make it visible / invisible / play around with the opacity etc so you can hopefully see what needs to be changed, then get to work with brush tools / clone stamp etc etc to try and match up the eyelids to what the working texture has :smile:.


Edit: you may also want to check and make sure you don't have a mod overwriting the vanilla heads (if this is to be released as a vanilla mod) since people editing the uv coordinates of a mesh for a mod can give you odd kind of results like this if you are then using a texture created for the original uv map / mesh... and then might look equally odd after editing to a user who only has the vanilla mesh.

Edited by spookymunky
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  • 2 weeks later...

Ideally you would want to export one of the female head meshes to a 3d app then create an image of it's UV map that you can overlay ontop of your texture to see how it corresponds to where it will be on the 3d mesh, makes life a lot easier but may be frustrating to figure out if you have little experience of 3d editing applications.


In this case, since you have a texture that the issue is fixed with, the quickest way to go about this might be to load the working texture on top of the one you are editing as another layer in gimp / photoshop etc (making sure it is the same resolution, resize if needed), then make it visible / invisible / play around with the opacity etc so you can hopefully see what needs to be changed, then get to work with brush tools / clone stamp etc etc to try and match up the eyelids to what the working texture has :smile:.


Edit: you may also want to check and make sure you don't have a mod overwriting the vanilla heads (if this is to be released as a vanilla mod) since people editing the uv coordinates of a mesh for a mod can give you odd kind of results like this if you are then using a texture created for the original uv map / mesh... and then might look equally odd after editing to a user who only has the vanilla mesh.


Thank you for the reply. Sorry I didn't catch it sooner. I'll see about doing what you said here. I'm going to have to rely on some tutorials for sure lol. Thanks again!

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