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Poor performance


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The problem is they 'forgot' to specify a 980 ti as the minimum specs.


If you are asking why such a high requirement, I suspect they have some kind of secret application embedded in the game that uses your GPU to calculate world domination... this obviously take a toll and hurts game performance.

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I use a GTX 980 ti & play at 4k. I use no anti aliasing at that resolution. At 1440 I can play with altra settings but the game looks better at 4k.

I use an old i7 2600k that has about the same performance as your i5 4430.


A 970 should have no problems at 900 or 1080.


My Son is using a i5 2500k with a 980 with no problems at 1080.


There is something up if changing the setup makes no difference.


It may be your driver setup or programs running in the background causing the issue.


At that resolution it is not your 970 or your i5 4430 causing the problem.



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The problem is they 'forgot' to specify a 980 ti as the minimum specs.


If you are asking why such a high requirement, I suspect they have some kind of secret application embedded in the game that uses your GPU to calculate world domination... this obviously take a toll and hurts game performance.

no difference. even with ultra low qual mods, 30-40 fps in cities. i have only my malware core drivers running and besides that, every other application i use often is closed and does not impact my system stress. fallout usually only uses %22 CPU and %22 ram. it all loads from a HDD

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The problem is they 'forgot' to specify a 980 ti as the minimum specs.


If you are asking why such a high requirement, I suspect they have some kind of secret application embedded in the game that uses your GPU to calculate world domination... this obviously take a toll and hurts game performance.

no difference. even with ultra low qual mods, 30-40 fps in cities. i have only my malware core drivers running and besides that, every other application i use often is closed and does not impact my system stress. fallout usually only uses %22 CPU and %22 ram. it all loads from a HDD


Exactly! If the game doesn't detect a 980 ti it switches to craptacular mode. You could have 2x 970 ti and it would utilize %10 and run like crap.

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I run on a i5-4690k and a GTX 970...it's buttery smooth at 1080p.

The only things I've toned down is Shadow Quality, and only to High from Ultra. (I think. Don't have it in front of me right now.)


Contrary to what most folks will tell you an i5 is not usually a bottleneck these days.

Make sure you set the iHWnumthreads value in your .ini file to 4. (This is in the Fallout ini Config tool.)


How much RAM do you have?

8GB is required by Fallout 4, so if you only have 8, I'd consider upgrading to 16.

(I run 16GB with a 4GB RAM disk for temporary files, so effectively 12GB.)


And what motherboard are you running?

Some motherboards have funky characteristics with the PCIe buses and other things.


I'd also do some performance baselining with the System Monitor to see what's going on -BEFORE- you launch the game.

Background processes can absolutely murder game performance. I'd recommend disabling anything that isn't either Microsoft branded or necessary for your system. There are plenty of guides online on how to do this.


Are you running Windows 7? If so, I'd go ahead and upgrade to 10, it's actually far more lightweight and resource-friendly than 7.

Edited by cjthibs
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