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.223 Pistol (as 10mm Pistol modification)


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Would it be possible to make a new receiver for the 10mm that changes the caliber to 5.56? Lower the magazine size to 5 (maybe 6, whatever feels the most balanced), lower the fire rate, raise the damage beyond the Advanced Receiver.


Just something to make it similar to the classic .223 from Fallout and Fallout 2, which was fairly strong, but a low magazine size and fire rate. It also had a good deal of armor penetration, but if the damage was raised enough, that wouldn't matter too much to me.


This might require waiting for the proper construction kit, but whatever info you can provide would be appreciated.

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problem i see here is an immmersion one. a .223 would never fit in an autoloader like the 10mm. The origional .223 pistol was a blatent ripoff of Dekards pistol in Blade Runner. That gun is most similar to a revolver (having been based on a revolver frame).You could maybe do something for the .44. I would rather see a .500Magnum reciver for the .44.

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I've created mods for Fallout 3 and Skyrim but not Fallout 4.


In Fallout 3 you could create whatever caliber changing mod you want. You change the gun to require the ammo you want, then you change the stats accordingly. I'd rather see the 10mm increase to .44 but that's just me :).


I once made the minigun fire missiles just to see what would happen...

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Behold. But they don't have the particular conversion I want.


And yeah, I used to do that kind of thing back then too. My favorite was the Apocalypse Cannon -- A rapid-fire MIRV. Made that one back in 3.


Anyway, I'm sure I'll be able to make this mod myself when the official CK comes out, but I was kinda hoping not to have to wait that long.

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