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Horses keep wandering, help?


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Alright, so I had been using the "horses stay put" mod for a while and was having difficulty with my horses. I downloaded the other available horse-no-wander mod by Shadow and found that it worked as well. However, recently, I cannot get either mod to work. I did not add, remove or change anything in the meantime. I have tried deleting and reinstalling both mods individually and together and cannot get either one to work -- no matter what I do now my stolen horses wander :S


For reference, I am using all of slof's mods (models, textures) and the mod that makes the horse belong to you if you ride it for 2 minutes.


Any help? Has this happened to anyone else? Thanks.

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I don't know what the problem is, but I wouldn't use 2 plugins that stop the horse from walking away at the same time. Conflicts...


I'm not. I completely removed one and tried the other to no avail, then removed that one and switched. Neither one worked by itself.


EDIT: Well, I removed the mod that makes the horse mine after so long and now it's working. I guess that was the conflict... odd, since I thought it worked the first time I tried the two together. But ah well. Thank you :)

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