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All Rieklings to be Friendly Request


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I assumed when Joining the Rieklings at Thirsk Mead Hall after i killed off the Nords, all Rieklings around Solstheim would be friendly to me like siding with Madanach where all the Foresworn are friendly with me.


So the Request im asking is, please make the Rieklings around Solstheim accept me in witch i can get a Follower from them. I mean theres no Throne for me at Thirsk Mead Hall in witch the place is even Lamer now, i cant even sleep at one of the Tents. It would be cool to make a Quest so i can clean up the place and use the Blacksmith Area outside, then we see Rieklings sleep in the Beds and so on. I mean you can kill off All the Rieklings and the place would just be an Empty Dump.


Siding with the Nords to take over Thirsk is still boring no matter after you help clean the place, theres no Quest from them to kill off all the Rieklings, they just take their Hall back and thats it.

Edited by daventry
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daventry As I see, you are a regular member for this site and you should know that making change on a vanilla quest is risque, even more if you use the unofficial Dragonborn patch. Your mod request loot like little, but its in fack way more complicated that it looc like.
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