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Bruce Banner: Supermutant Transformation Mod


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So, I was thinking about how in Skyrim, there's already stuff for transformations with Werewolf and Vampire Lord. I was thinking it might be possible to (with the aid of the GECK) mod in a transformation for the Sole Survivor. I then went about thinking of what would make sense and what would not, i.e. Deathclaw transformation- why? So, I want this to happen. I want to make it happen, but I have no idea how to mod or where to start.


I am looking for baby steps to work up towards my project, so that I may be able to tackle it. At least the coding side. I will not be able to do the animations needed I think, and would need the help of someone else to make that look any good. Again, I know the GECK isn't out, but what resources for Skyrim can I begin to mess around with so that I am able to do something when the GECK is out?

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I am not experiencd in modding at all, but it seems to me that it's easier to make a mod that primarily uses animation resources that are already in the game than trying to make completely new ones.


At the top of my head, im thinking that if someone could use the animation/sfx that Glowing Ones use in the game when discharching radiation it would look pretty decent as a "transformation" effect. As in first you character looks normal > rad effect > character is replaced with super mutant model.

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