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Suggestions for zombie mod (WIP)


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Hi, I'm looking for suggestions for my zombie mod, I'd really like to know what people think would be some good ideas


So far I have created:

1. Changed ghouls names to zombies

2. Zombies can only die from headshots (or about 50 rounds to the body once they break apart)

3. Bat files to spawn in extra zombies around the map, has both large and low spawn versions


All of the above are optional, as will be all future updates so you can customise your zombie experience


Ideas that have been suggested and are a work in progress:

1.total conversion, Seperate ESP for replacing each creature type with zombies

2. Slower zombies (aka walkers) with increased numbers

3. "survivor groups" around map

4. Zombie guts found on all zombies, to disguise yourself while "worn" but at the cost of health or rad damage (for sneaking past large hordes if you can't fight them)



What are your thoughts on the current build and the suggested ideas (as well as your own please)


I can't seem to post a link here, my mod is called "The Running Dead" on the nexus

Edited by thelonewarrior
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I'm tracking your mod and love where your going with it! Great work :smile:


You've already made some good progress on the updates.


My thoughts go in two directions. You might like to make this mod replace Ghouls with Zombies for a true Zombie Apoc experience. I think some people may like some Zombie flavour, but not to replace all the Ghouls(I would). Therefore a way to add a standalone enemy 'Zombie' that doesn't replace or effect the vanilla ghouls might be good.


I think slowing them down a bit will be a big step. For me at least, I'm sure as many people will be happy with them running. I don't think the 'headshots' will be as good until they are slow. For that true Romero atmosphere.


I'd look into audio to support the mod. Nothing says Zombie apocalypse quite like the moaning of the dead..."Braaaaaiins!". Just don't over-do it, it can be a little too humorous(unless thats what your going for), maybe make it optional. Certainly have a lot of groans in there.


Textures would be great also...if the look a little more like dead flesh, that would help a lot!


While thinking about the above, I'd also aim to create some diversity in the textures and audio so they don't all look the same or repeat a small set of audio. That will have a big impact on the atmosphere and feeling created by the NPC's.


Good luck with it! :smile:



Down the line, it would be good to have the roaming hordes you mention. A settlement attack by waves of 20+ zombies would be epic. FO4 handles large numbers of NPC's very well, see how far you can push it!

Edited by Nikonthenet
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I think that if you could find a way to remove the ghouls running around a corner when you get on top of something, that would be great. I feel like you should be able to climb onto something and then be able to pick them off as you make a path to safety.


Also, I like the idea of vastly increased rads from being hit to simulate getting infected.


Another thing: maybe add non-radiated wildlife so that you have something to hunt and eat.

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Hey Guys,


I was thinking about a mod like this for a week now, then I found your post....


1) Awesome to replace every non-human NPC with a ghoul !!! and increase the ghoul/zombie spawn %.

2) DO NOT touch how fast they move... I don't know about you but for me part of the fun is having ghouls / zombies

run at you !!! Like in 28 days later or that will smith zombie movie... they move FAST. The walking dead style zombies are too boring.

3) Did I say how awesome your mod would be? lol EPIC

4) I also think the headshots to kill them might not be that great if you keep the movement speeds where they are. I think their health / how many shots to kill

is really fine where it is !!!




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I think slower ghouls / zombies are a great idea. Walking Dead mod from F3NV is fantastic. Also have them moan or gurgle or maybe say "brains".


Perhaps you can have some adjustable speed setting for your mod. So folks that like the sprinting dead can have it as well.

Edited by rhohltjr
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Ok so I've added in new zombies called infectious zombies, a bit slower but they pack more of a punch, I made them slower for a but of balance while the faster zombies do less damage but are almost impossible to outrun

Unfortunately I've hit a wall with the slow zombies idea, as I can slow them down to a cool looking stumble but because their attack animations include a sprint the will suddenly run at you at top speed when they attack, so I'm hoping someone can do some new animations for them, which would be difficult so that idea is on hold at the moment

I've also done some of the replacers, the only ones I left out were super mutants and synths because the caused some game breaking bugs for some reason when replacing them, but all the others seem to work fine

Also a great mod that changes both textures and sounds of ghouls is DECAY, it fits well with my mod

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