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More\Less Realistic Mods


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1. Remove your weapons when visiting jarl

It was always weird to me how they let player enter Dragonsreach, Blue palace, or any other jarl's house, and no one cares that you are carrying weapons. Ok, you can still have your spells, but it would be logical that you leave your equipment at the entrance, before visiting jarl. When you become a thane of that hold, you can carry weapon when meeting yarl.

When in Dragonsreach, Irileth does told you to "keep your weapons sheathed in jarl's presence", but unsheathing weapon doesn't have any consequences.


2. Outdoor merchants remove their seling items from market stalls after their shift is over

It would be cool if the merchants could remove their selling items from market stalls in the evening. It's weird how they let meat, vegetables, and other things stay outside in the marketplace during the night. :/


3. If inn/shop owner(s) dies....inn/shop is closed permanently

I killed the owner of Drunken huntsman and his brother, just to see what will happen....and people still kept coming to the inn, even if the owners are dead... :/

When something like that happens, I think that place should be closed with master lock, and maybe some official notice should be hanged on the door informing that the owner died...something like that.. And other NPCs should suggest you anymore to visit that place.


4. Shopkeepers / blacksmiths don't buy guard armor

I think that regular shopkeepers / blacksmiths shouldn't buy guard armor (helmets, armor, shields), because selling those items implies that you took them from a dead guard or stole it from him / her.


5. Skinned animal textures

When you take a pelt from a dead animal, texture (and mesh) is changed so that it looks like the animal has really been skinned.


6.Compass in not visible until you buy or find one (or maybe even craft one?)

I sometimes play without visible compass, but it would be cool if player could buy one and only then have option to show it in HUD.


7.World map is not visible until you buy one


8. Khajiits take less damage from falling


9. More items / tools (sickle, scythe, shears, spoons)




(sorry for grammar mistakes..English is not my native language)

Edited by Achronos11
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