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Sad miscelaneous bugs


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No problem. Serious requests for help will never be refused, at least as long as they don't contain the word "poo."


If the shader really is the problem, it probably won't matter whether or not it's turned on. I can't be absolutely sure the dialog bug is a broken game, but if it appeared after a while of not adding any mods that's probably the case. Only way to know for sure would be to turn off all the mods (except one if you're playing a custom race), start your latest savegame with your naked character, and go talk to the character again. If the problem is gone, it's a mod. If it's still there, the savegame is broken.


FCOM's home page:




I'm pretty sure there's a list of console cheat codes and object ids for items on tessource that you can download. If not, googling console cheats will get you a wealth of information.

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