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Bleeding perk


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I've been trying to figure out the how to work with FO4Edit for a while and this particular thing is frustrating the hell out of me. I've been able to add and subtract certain effects to/from perks, but I just can't get figure out the whole magic effect thing. So...


Can anyone make a (or give an existing) perk the bleed effect from the "Wounding" legendary mod? I put the mod on practically every weapon I use, simply for the sake of adding an element of realism, even though it's not always the best choice. If I had a perk that added the effect to ALL of the guns I use, (also, possibly the stagger effect, if you feel particularly charitable) then I could mod my guns with the legendary mods I'd actually like to put on them and still have my dash of realism.


I have no doubt whatsoever that I'll be able to accomplish this once I have a better interface to work with, but for anyone who thinks they could do it with FO4Edit now, I'd really appreciate and enjoy the hell out of you/it. I figure a good perk to add it to would be V.A.N.S., since it's something that's practically useless now and would avoid changing anything useful.

Edited by Maleficus04
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