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Windows10 desktop question

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Hope this isn't to far ot but I don't know where else to ask.


Sometimes when I exit games, F4 lately, my desktop icons are all moved to the far left side of the screen. It doesn't always happen and it doesn't happen if exiting anything running in a window, only full screen programs. I have a 980 NVidia card with current driver.


Any help?



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As Fl0w mentioned above...


It thing it's related to the resolution. So if your monitor has a native reolution (let's say) 1920x1080 and your game runs at a lower resolution (for performance reasons perhaps),

while you are playing the game your icons switch places to fit your screen and when you close your game it does change the position because now your desktop space is bigger.


Try that:


Right click on your desktop - got to View - uncheck Auto arrange icons, because If it's checked everytime your desktop resolution changes it will rearrange your icons.


So when a game runs in a different resolution the icons get moved and rearranged then when you quit the game.


With it unchecked they will normally stay in the same location since auto arrange does not move them with the resolution change.


So when the game closes and it goes back to the original resolution the icons will stay where they were.




Of course it could be related to somehting else, as your GTX 980 is able to play your game at least at 1080p.


The other thing you can try is, if you have a monitor with high refresh rate (let's say 144Hz), lower the monitors refresh rate.


There are some games that having that perticular problem with high refresh rates.


I thing one of those games was Sid Meier's Civilization: Beyond Earth.

Edited by mark5916
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