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kur0s4k1 - BANNED

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kur0s4k1 banned.




Reason for the ban

Reuploading of a previous mod removed by staff and claiming it was a new file.


File removed - Combat Rifle G3A3 Sound FX


Your original upload ripped from battlefield 3 was removed, you upload a new file removing reference to BF3 and claim you made them yourself form source videos.


From the comments of the file posted by yourself.


"I searched YouTube and Vimeo videos of people shooting at shooting galleries. Isolate Cool Edit sound and clean everything I could to eliminate noise. Also I added some metallic effects.


I think the vanilla silenced sounds pretty like hollywood films sounds. But a Rifle with a silencer sounds more noisy, excepto if you're using subsonic rounds."


Both the uploaded files are the same files.


Reference post


Reference post




Moderation history

This member received 0 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned



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