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Mod Problems


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Yeah.... This may sound stupid... but I downloaded this japenese House mod WHICH ROCKS. But the problem is, Its got downloading as a .RAR file and it won't appear on the data files when I launch Oblivion. I extracted it to the OBLIVION data folder and I checked to see if it was in the Construction Set. But its not there at all. What's going? Why isn't it working? :unsure:
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3rd result for Google search for .rar:

RAR (file format) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In computing, RAR is a proprietary file format for data compression and archiving, developed by Eugene Roshal (hence the name RAR: Roshal ARchive). ...

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAR - 40k - Cached - Similar pages


Pinned thread in General Mod Talk.


Perhaps a moderator can sticky that thread in Tech Support as well? Seems as if a number of people are going straight to Tech Support anyway...

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3rd result for Google search for .rar:
RAR (file format) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In computing, RAR is a proprietary file format for data compression and archiving, developed by Eugene Roshal (hence the name RAR: Roshal ARchive). ...

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAR - 40k - Cached - Similar pages


Pinned thread in General Mod Talk.


Perhaps a moderator can sticky that thread in Tech Support as well? Seems as if a number of people are going straight to Tech Support anyway...


Yea but how do I open it? I never seen a .RAR file for a long time and I really want this japanese house to be on Oblivion. The Author (like al the others) Just wrote to extract the fiule to Oblivion. The Mod isn;t working. I've trioed finding the homnes and no cigar.

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Well Stickgag, since your mod is in a RAR archive, the first thing for you to do is get WinRAR if you haven't already. Then you need to open the RAR archive you downloaded and extract it to a temp folder (i know a lot of mod readme's say just extract straight to your oblivion data folder etc, but i always like to check the file structure before i copy everything across). Once you are happy that everything is is the right place, copy the contents of the extracted folder to your oblivion data folder (make sure you copy things such as textures into the textures folder, meshes to meshes etc), .esp and .esm files are plugin files and if your mod has any of these you need to select them in the data files section of the oblivion launcher for them to work. Hope that helps a bit.
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Well Stickgag, since your mod is in a RAR archive, the first thing for you to do is get WinRAR if you haven't already. Then you need to open the RAR archive you downloaded and extract it to a temp folder (i know a lot of mod readme's say just extract straight to your oblivion data folder etc, but i always like to check the file structure before i copy everything across). Once you are happy that everything is is the right place, copy the contents of the extracted folder to your oblivion data folder (make sure you copy things such as textures into the textures folder, meshes to meshes etc), .esp and .esm files are plugin files and if your mod has any of these you need to select them in the data files section of the oblivion launcher for them to work. Hope that helps a bit.

That Doesn;t help a bit, THAT HELPS ALOT! I actually tried WinRAR but then decided I'll download it later. My computer seems to have alot of trouble right now for some reason. Anyway thanks alot!

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