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Gafgar Adolis

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Recently I'd been planning a large-scale Oblivion Mod, currently titled Kynaz ('He of The Kyn' - the word Dremora use to refer to each another). With my health presently in decline, I've been unable to do much work on it (or on toan and chris' Ordo Legionis mod). Currently my health concerns are at a bit of a junction right now - either I'll still be breathing a few weeks from now, or I won't. Either way, I wanted to outline my vision so that I can eventually continue it in the event that I recover, or so someone else can pick up where I left off if I don't.


Kynaz would start as your standard 'Playable Dremora' mod. Simple little thing. There's about a dozen of them out there. However, Kynaz would go above and beyond that. How?

  1. Option to start the game either as a Dremora imprisoned in the Imperial City Prison (vanilla main quest), or as a Dremora in service to Mehrunes Dagon (completely new game).
  2. Explore the Deadlands, Mehrunes Dagon's Oblivion realm, which would be comparable in size to Sheogorath's Shivering Isles... at the very least.
  3. Take part in the inter-clan warfare of the Dremora and rise through your clan's ranks, from Churl to Kynval to, eventually, Valkynaz.
  4. Experience Oblivion's Main Quest from the other side - take part in the sacking of Kvatch, assist the Mythic Dawn in their opening of Oblivion Gates, battle the Champion of Cyrodiil, and stand by Lord Dagon's side at the assault on the Imperial City.
  5. *Insert Additional Idea Here*

Obviously this is something one guy can't do alone - and even barring any sudden fits of death, my own skill with the Oblivion Construction Set isn't quite up to par (still too used to the Morrowind way of doing things). For now I'd like to test the waters so to speak, see if no one else has had this idea yet, who would be interested in such a mod/interesting in helping out, etc. If all goes well in a few weeks I'll be able to start getting things underway. If not, maybe someone else will pick this idea up and make something out of it.


At any rate, discuss. Or I'll rip your lungs out.

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Sorry to hear about your health, I hope it improves.


That is definitely a very large venture, maybe being a Dremora not being in service to Mehrunes would work better? That way you could be a kind of anti hero, utilising demonic powers against demons. I'm not sure about the lore of Elder Scrolls but there are Dremora who aren't under Mehrune aren't there?


If not then surely a band of rebels could join together, but obviously they wouldn't be able to start in the Imperial prison, unless you changed the story slightly and added in some sort of acceptance of the demonic rebels.


Sounds like a nice idea, but changing the whole storyline would be a huge task, and most modders wouldn't have the experience or patience to pull something like that off. I think modifying it to suit your ideas would work better.

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  • 1 month later...

It's supposed to be a pretty big undertaking. There's enough hero and anti-hero mods out there, and most of the villainous stuff is for the Dark Brotherhood. Where's the pro-Dagon love?


This mod is still in the works, btw, though my efforts have been stymied by a virus crashing my old computer. The new one's faster and more advanced, but nevertheless won't play Oblivion for some reason. Currently reduced to penning stuff down on paper until I can get Oblivion and the Oblivion CS working again.

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  • 4 months later...

Well my computer troubles and health troubles have both been solved (mostly), so work on Kynaz is picking up once again. Right now I'm aiming towards a more simple initial release that makes Dremora playable, with a special custom race fix being included to set it apart from all the other Playable Dremora mods out there. I could tell you what it is, but that'd blow the surprise.


I could use the assistance of an interior cell maker, especially one knowledgeable in creating interiors to Oblivion towers and caves, but I can probably make do by myself if necessary. I'll probably seek some coaching on parts of the quest scripting and the like however.

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