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Mod Request: Super Powers


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Having played the Heroes mod for Fallout New Vegas, I was hoping for a similar type of mod that grants the player super powers.


I'd ideally like to see abilities like the following:


- Super Strength that knocks enemies around or sends them flying

- Flight or Levitation - without the use of a jet pack

- Telekinesis - grabbing things from afar and throwing the object/person/creature around

- Telepathy - things ranging from Mind Blasts that instantly cripple the enemy's head, to mind control - 100% chance of Pacifying/issuing commands to target

- Invisibility - basically like a better Stealth Boy

- Teleportation - short range Blinks, and perhaps something like the Mark and Recall from Morrowind?

- Pyrokinesis - spontaneous combustion and explosions should be simple enough

- Energy blasts/beams - firing off beams of energy from hands or eyes with the appropriate accompanying animations

- Forcefields

- Shapeshifting - morphing appearance to copy that of a target creature/person?

- Size changing

- Magic - this could range from a variety of effects from Polymorphing targets into random animals or objects, to conjuring food and supplies, to summoning storms, protective circles, etc.


I hope most of these powers would be easily do-able. I have more detailed ideas for each of the powers if anyone is interested in making such a mod.


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