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Xur from Destiny?


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I always thought Xur from destiny was a cool concept and npc. For those of you who don't know who Xur is: He's an NPC that comes around once a week in Destiny that sells rare exotics for items you collect in the game. I think an npc in skyrim like that would be pretty great. He comes to whiterun in game time every week or 2 and sells exotic items such as weapons and armor you can't get anywhere else(maybe use other modders' weapons and armors). To get these items you need a certain amount of money and rare items from the world you have collected. Every visit he makes there is a different set of items you can buy from him. I think it'd be great because it always keeps you guessing and interested. I've never modded before, but i do use them a lot.http://whereisxur.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/xur2.jpg

Edited by gfawes95
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