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What do you love/hate about the new graphics


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Things i hate(ed) about OB graphics:


Not realy graphics, but the look... I have fixed it up all with mods now.


How bright the nights are

How dark the houses are

How bright the caves are



Besides that i love OB graphics, and looking forward to the time i can get those mods working without a lag (everything visible,2gig texture replacement,lod replacement etc)


Wonder what kinda system specs you need to run all that at steady 50+ fps? hmm. Elder Scrolls games always had some of the best graphics out there, so there is not much to hate ;)

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I don't like how the graphics engine is extremely inefficient. I can run games like Rise of Legends, with many units and 'splodes, with barely any slowdown, yet Oblivion reduces my framerate to a stuttering crawl if I get attacked by one bandit in the countryside. I also hate Vanilla Oblivion's facial textures. Oh, they're nice when you first install the game, but after a while, they become so hideous when compared to the Improved Facial Textures / Facial Textures by Enayla combination I use:


IFT: http://tessource.net/files/file.php?id=5643

FTbE: http://tessource.net/files/file.php?id=9534

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