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Can someone please make modding my game easy for me?


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I've tried downloading recommended mods and installing them, but I keep getting random crashes in my game. It's very frustrating. Here is what I'd like.


1. More creatures.

2. More items.

3. Leveled creatures and areas - so I feel like I'm progressing.




4. Crafting

5. Better environment textures, weather, sounds, more lively world.

6. More and better loot - I kind of want that Diablo feeling with the treasure.


Can someone just give me the lowdown on what mods to download, what versions, and what load order to use?


I've attached a picture of my current mods and load order. I'm not sure if Francescos mod or OOO would be better for me, and I know there are issues running both of them.


The mods are MMM version 3.0, Francescos v4.5, and I'm running the 1.2 patch without any official expansions.



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Using MMM and Fran's together will create conflicts. I see you use the compatibility patch. Okay, but... You still can't use MMM and/or Fran's (And/or Bob's armory) together with Oblivion Warcry, since they edit the same things. You'll have to use FCOM to make it work. If you use FCOM you can also add OOO to your list.


Crafting: Craftybits

Textures: Look here

More and better loot: I think OOO, Fran's, MMM and Oblivion Warcry already do that.

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Using MMM and Fran's together will create conflicts. I see you use the compatibility patch. Okay, but... You still can't use MMM and/or Fran's (And/or Bob's armory) together with Oblivion Warcry, since they edit the same things. You'll have to use FCOM to make it work. If you use FCOM you can also add OOO to your list.


Crafting: Craftybits

Textures: Look here

More and better loot: I think OOO, Fran's, MMM and Oblivion Warcry already do that.


Aside from needing FCOM and OOO, is there anything in there that you think I should lose, or anything you think I should add? Any load order changes I need to do?

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Aside from needing FCOM and OOO, is there anything in there that you think I should lose, or anything you think I should add? Any load order changes I need to do?

The FCOM page explains the load order for the overhaul mods.


Like Sypron said, use Natural Environments. Make sure you download the patch. You could use the water modification included, or use a different one. I am using Phinix Waterfix.


I can't see if you use any mods to change the U.I., but Immersive Interface and BTmod are very good. You can also use Dark UI and Dark UI Loading Screens, or Atmospheric Dark UI Loading Screens. You can use all of them at the same time, except for the Loading Screens mods. You'll have to choose one.

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