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Destiney & Borderlands armor!


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Since I don't know how to build mods myself I think it would be a really awesome idea to add Destiny and Borderlands armor meshes to Fallout 4 for I feel they would really be a good addition to the game because let's face it, there isn't much veriety when it comes to armor customization in Fallout 4. I personally feel that these games are closest in comparison to Fallout and can be added to the game without completely ruining the lore that is Fallout 4, what are your guys thoughts? Yes I know you would need Geck for this. Edited by Zanatose13
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Do you mean ripping the armor straight out of the games themselves? Because unless you have permission from the developers, you're not allowed to post mods containing copyrighted assets on the Nexus. So either someone has to recreate them from scratch or get permission and post that on the Nexus, or you'll have to wait until someone on another site (Copyrighted stuff often appears on the Steam Workshop) converts it.

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