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Moving FO 4 to SSD


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Ok, everything is working now.





I got it working on the SSD, all the save files are there and working.

But when trying to start NMM for Fallout 4, I get this popup (I have already rescanned the games, and NMM found my FO4 in the correct place on my SSD, but this popup is about the first/original drive (E is the one where it was installed before, now it is on C).

As a result of this, none of my mods are working.


I'll look into it myself if I get the time, just posting this in case anybody knows a way so I can save some time.





I'm sorry if this has already been answered before, bu I could not find anything myself.


I want to move Fallout 4 to my SSD, as the loading times I get on the harddrive it is currently installed on are incredibly annoying. (I did the whole "sResourceDataDirsFinal=" thing, but that didn't really help).

And while I was able to find instructions on how to move Steam games, I was wondering how this correlates with .ini changes, saves and mods.


I did already create a backup just in case, but I would prefer not having to use it.


What do I need to watch out for when changing the directory in Steam (telling Steam from which location to load the game)?

Are there any things I need to do before anything else?


I have never done anything like this before, and would hate to lose my 100 hours of playtime to something as silly as a badly optimized game mechanic.




Edited by CrusaderX
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I'm not sure how it works with the Steam version, but I just did exactly the same. Loading times on HDDs are just horrible. On a SSD it still takes some time but it is way better.

I simply copied the save files in .../Documents/My Games/Fallout4/Saves to my Desktop, uninstalled the game, and installed it again. No problems at all.

However on Steam I'm not sure if it is that simple. Read more about it in Steam's official article and this unofficial forum topic.

Edited by iGrasmat
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Due i dont own a SSD, and i installed the game to the right harddrive in the first place, i dont know exactly where it is in the options, but steam has somewhere in it the feature to move your games to another disc. But i honestly do not know, if its an option for one game, or a global option, so ALL of your games are moving to the new disc.

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I just decided to move Fallout 4 to a SSD, too.

Had to delete some other games, but those loading times are just too annoying.

I'm creating a Steam backup for the game on a temporary directory, delete the local content and then restore the backup into the new SSD directory (following this tutorial).

It's going to take a while and I'll leave it running while I'm at work, so I'll report this evening how this went.


Thanks to Teamviewer, I already have an update.

The Steam backup only saves the original files. All of the mod content in the Steam directory seems to be gone, even though NMM didn't complain after I told it where Fallout 4 went and it does list all mods like nothing changed.

Good thing I'm really carefull and I did at manual backup of the Fallout directory, too. Don't want the CBBE body I've so carefully designed to be gone :wink:

I overwrote the whole Data directory with my backup and put all the other files (mainly CBBE stuff) in the main folder.


After that I tried launching the game (via Bilago Configuration Tool, correcting the path there, too) and I think it started (at least the music was playing), but I'm only getting a black screen via Teamviewer (that's normal) and I have to check this evening.

I think it's working fine and I hope that the loading times will be better now :smile:



Don't just use (only) a Steam backup if you have mods installed!




I've had to reinstall all mods again. Maybe I didn't have to, but it seemed the easiest solution. AFAIK I didn't loose any data, so I'm generally happy.

Edited by Biggreuda
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