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Damage resistance - how to replace formula?


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yeah, so I'm playing around with the formula on an Excel doc... and... it looks absolutely terrible

as in absolutely useless piece of crap terrible, the resulting damage is like arbitrary nonsense. It's absolutely impossible to make a somewhat balanced and realistic gun-play mod when using this formula

I took a peak at the New Vegas DR/DT, and I'd kill* to have those implemented in F4

*terms and conditions apply


Rant {

Sure, it might be suitable for any game with absolutely terrible gun-play, as in bullet sponges, near-immortal player and NPCs, a leveling combat system as the one F4 got... I'm disgusted, I mean, who was the effin retard who thought this was a good idea?



formula info can be found here http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Damage_Resistance


so, I want and need to replace this crap, but I have no idea how to, as I'm somewhat new to Fallout modding.

Any advice? Ideas?

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What's wrong MindfulDroid... Are you mad bro? ROFL I feel like such a a**hole when I say that, but it's great. It's better than reading posts by gamers about games when they have no idea what the f*** they are talking about, from lack of game design an development study. But I digress. Things are always the way they are for a reason. We could talk about that sure, but it's kind of a mute point. As the purpose of this game was to gross a billion dollars US in it's release.


If you don't like it, that is the game FO4. We are free to change it, this even applying on the much larger console market soon enough. Best that if you really have a development or design idea to implement. Go slow an steady an tool up for that moment when the whole world could test your idea in virtual reality. To that end from the post, I can name many ways to change this. However it's more important what you want to do. So if you want to keep going with your post.


Tell us what it is that you want to do, an don't bother with the rest for now.



*edit* added a Y, why, cause I'm a dips***, LOL

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At first the inverse polynomial function used just looks BAD for making a realism focused mod in relation to weapon damage and armour mechanics, and I argue it is for the most part. The way it works in FNV looks much easier to balance, and much more natural. I think I've found what I need in order to make the game balance I want, with the FO4 DR formula...

One alternative idea is to replace the formula with a custom one (as in a whole different function), if that's possible at all?

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You can probably change the small handful of related GameSetting values with FO4Edit, but I doubt the damage formula itself can be changed until CK and a more full-featured version of F4SE are available.


If I squint, I can sort of imagine they thought were going for increased realism with the ratio idea. IRL even something as simple as layers of heavy leather might offer some degree of protection against .25 ACP (don't try this at home, kids), but if you get hit with an enormous amount of kinetic energy like a .50 BMG round, it doesn't really matter if you're naked, wearing a consumer-grade flak jacket, or state of the art military body armor - you're dead.


But... why did they bother with a half-baked attempt to increase realism in one area while completely ignoring reality in every other aspect? The same ammo fired through the same length barrel is going to do the same damage if it hits you in the same spot, to the near-exclusion of all other factors. Doesn't matter if it's fired from a S&W or a Ruger (so receiver mods should change ROF but not damage, unless you change what ammo type it's chambered for). Doesn't matter how many bullets are coming out of the barrel per second - getting hit with N rounds from an assault rifle on full auto will shred you just as badly as N separate shots from the same weapon in semi-auto mode (so the reduced per-shot damage for full-auto receivers is B.S.). Doesn't matter whether the shooter is a professional killer or someone who never fired a gun before and just happened to score a lucky hit (so gun skill/perks should change your chance to hit but not damage). I guess what I'm saying is, I agree with you, and I hope the tools necessary to fix this mess are available soon.


EDIT: And while I'm thinking about guns & bullets, if you're going to take weapon modding from FNV to the next level, why get rid of the ammo types? WHY!?!

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Test the game with this






It died 5 hours after publishing ROFL, but the thumbnail glitched out anyway, an nobody understood it, HAH HAH, thing is how can you work on damage resistance with broken XP, or maybe not, broken foundations, because I only ever work in whatever it is that I need or want in the game for myself...

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