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[FO4Edit] Adding new Armor Slots


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Hi everyone,



I'm trying to modify the Power Armors, so that they'll be considered weared on top of body armors, cumulating both armor resistances.

(Actually the game considers you're naked under your power armor)

From what I understand, each armor takes one slot and for example a cask and a power armor helmet use the same slot.



I tried modifying a power armor cask's slot in FO4edit, but the choices are very limited:

As you can see, there are about 30 armor slots predefined and I suppose each one is used by the game.


Is it possible to add new armors slots?

I tried to look for this "First Person Flags" in Fallout4.esm, in order to modify it, but couldn't find it.



If it's impossible, any idea on how to deviate this problem?

Thanks a lot for your help and heave a great day. :smile:

Edited by Reveurr
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