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A Lil' Heads Up, And A Lil' Scriptin' Help Would Be Nice


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With Fallout 4, some of Papyrus' functions have undergone changes. This buggered me over for a good hour and a half.


One that I've found, that has changed, is SetMotionType(int, bool). In Skyrim, having the int @ 4 made an object reference static. In Fallout 4, having int @ 2 makes the item static.


Just throwing that out there, fer those that are buggering around with Four Dragon.



Now, my current conundrum is that I want to get an Object Reference from the console window, as opposed to using GetPlayerGrabbedRef. It's an absolute nightmare to pick up every single placed item and mash a few hotkeys.


Here's my current (WORKING!) Four Dragon script. As you may have gathered, it uses GetPlayerGrabbedRef.


You pick up an item, press F6, place it how you like then press F7. Repeat for each item.


Being able to just nab the Object Reference from the console would make things much easier.

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