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Making a custom race follower?


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So I added a Hobbit race found here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54294/?



My issue is, whenever I try to make a custom follower of this race, I either have nobody appear in game or it cause the game to CTD. Can someone please help me, I'm at the end of my rope here and I really want to make this Hobbit follower work.

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Just a shot in the dark, did you place the esp for the follower bellow the esp/m for the race in your load order? I have made many NPCs using custom races from different mods and have never run across this issue personally, but that sounds like a load order issue to me.

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Just a shot in the dark, did you place the esp for the follower bellow the esp/m for the race in your load order? I have made many NPCs using custom races from different mods and have never run across this issue personally, but that sounds like a load order issue to me.

Yeah, it's lower on the list than the race's .esp

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Actually your follower should be built in the race's esp since we cannot reference an esp from another.

Or rebuild the race in your follower esp, but that's more trouble.


You could also make the race esp an esm.

Only way I know to do that is with Wryebash. There's an option named Esmify when you right click esp. It wont change the extension to esm though, only make the file become one. So you should do that by hand to not mistake it for an esp later.

Edited by Caithe
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