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What are the chances that....


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It's a rough place here, going to the Bethesda forums for FO4, cause it's different there, an I hope as much talent comes out of there as did in the past. Do me a favor, flame this mod, but you know do some kind of LOL so we don't get in trouble for playing a flame game, I reckon it died when I published it due to high traffic glitches, but yeah it's happened 7 times so I'm telling everyone to flame it in fun. Great Topic o/


Organic XP


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its not something enb can fix, nor am I looking to fix. Im trying to improve the textures for the buildings, but these components of the buildings, and some others are done as described above.


the meshes of each component only points to a material. the materials point to a base texture, swap texture and grayscale gradient. Neither the base or swap appear to be used although referenced. instead replaced by the remap at the engine/shader level.

a gradient diffuse specifies the colour ranges for the various options.


Because of this, its making it very infuriating to have a meaningful improvement.





If you mean that the textures defined in the nif's aren't actually used in the game, then that's nothing new. Can't recall when that feature appeared, but it was already present in the Skyrim engine. Textures could be defined separately in the CK and used to override the ones defined in the nif. A very useful feature for getting more out of a single model and certainly very useful to modders. I haven't gotten around to looking at any of the Fallout 4 files yet, but I'm going to get around to it in a few days... So maybe I'm wrong about how it works.

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If you mean that the textures defined in the nif's aren't actually used in the game, then that's nothing new. Can't recall when that feature appeared, but it was already present in the Skyrim engine. Textures could be defined separately in the CK and used to override the ones defined in the nif. A very useful feature for getting more out of a single model and certainly very useful to modders. I haven't gotten around to looking at any of the Fallout 4 files yet, but I'm going to get around to it in a few days... So maybe I'm wrong about how it works.




The nifs in question have no assigned texturesets at all. only materials which use a remap diffuse.

You can override the remap so it works as a normal diffuse, however, it has issues.


You lose roughly 40 - 50% in building colour variation.

There is also tiling issues if you do.


1 building in vanilla is pink.

If you override it, 1 of its 2 story walls (which for the sake of discussion is 3 tiles long of 2 rows stacked. 5 of those tiles will be pink, 1 will be red.

2nd wall will be pink.

3rd wall will be purple.


Ive played with all the materials specified, and made them all flat colours of their assigned names. It appears some arent used, or ignored.


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