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How to add Ballistic Weave to an item?


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The outfit I wear uses basic armor, and none of the other stuff I use can get Ballistic Weave. I went to the Nexus to find a mod that would allow me to add Ballistic Weave to my under-armor, but all the mods add misc or lining mods, which I'm not interested in. I would therefore like to create my own mod that adds Ballistic Weave to my under-armor. The only problem is that I don't know how. Oh, looking at it in FO4Edit seems pretty straightforward, but there's a mod on the Nexus that adds Ballistic Weave to the Clean Black Suit, and the description of that mod says that there are 3 keywords that an item needs in order to take Ballistic Weave. Unfortunately, in FO4Edit, I only see one.


How would I go about adding the ability to add Ballistic Weave to an item?

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I apologize for the double post, but I think I figured out what I need to do. I found the mod 'Ballistic Weave Everything', which does what I want, but not to the item I want. I downloaded it, and am looking at the file in FO4Edit. I see a bunch of stuff I would need to add: an entry under the KWDA section, which contains keywords, a section under APPR Keywords, and a bunch of stuff under Unknown. Seems like a pretty simple copy and paste, except for the fact that FO4Edit won't let me actually change anything in the entry for the item I actually want to edit. I highlight something in the area I want to edit, then right-click. Unfortunately, the only options I have are 'Hide No Conflict Rows' and 'Column Width'. There's no option to actually edit anything. I suppose that's because it won't let me actually alter the master file, but without something already editing the entry I want to edit, I don't seem to be able to make any changes. So I'm at a point where I know the changes I want to make, but can't make them because nothing changes the stuff I want to change. But if I had a mod that changed the stuff I want to change, then I wouldn't need to mess with FO4Edit in the first place. I know it can be done, because other mods do it, but the other mods add a bunch of stuff I don't want. I could try removing changes from mods that do what I want to only get what I want, but since I only want to change one item, it's far easier to make a new mod that makes that one change than it is to undo everything other mods have. But I can't even do that, because I can't edit something that isn't being modified by a mod. It's maddening to be so close to getting what I want, but I don't know how to make changes to the Master that get saved in an ESP.

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Ok, first things first. It sounds like you're trying to edit the item directly in the game's .esm. That's a no-no.


What you do is right click on the item name in the tree, and copy it as an OVERRIDE into a new file. Which will be your cool new mod. (Or into an existing mod, if you wish.)


Now when you look at that item in either the ESM or your brand new ESP, you'll see basically two columns. On the left are the original values, on the right is what's in your override. You can only edit (in your case, just add keywords) in the right side.


Add the keywords, save, and voila, you just made a mod.


And now you have the power of the very gods themselves: the power of creation :)

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Thank you so much! That's what I needed to know. I just added the Ballistic Weave to the item I wanted by copying all the info from another mod, and it worked like a charm. Thank you so much for your help. I understood that editing the Master was a no-no, but figured that there had to be a way to make changes that would be saved in a new file, and figured that it would start at the Master entry of the item I wanted to edit. Turns out I was right, but was missing that one last little step that would allow me to do what I wanted. Thank you again.
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Yeah, I understand what you were trying to do, because that's what I tried at first too. The default assumption was that it would work like in the GECK or the Skyrim CK, both of which just make a new record for you automatically when you edit something.


FO4Edit and Snip are more... low level, and don't hide such details from you. Which can actually be useful in other scenarios.


But yeah, you have to do it by hand. In a cave. With scrap. Just like Tony Stark ;)

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