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Very odd problem


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I was playing Morrowind when suddenly it crashed after saving. So I reloaded, and to my surprise, I have 0/400 encumberance, even though I'm carrying two sets of Steel Armour and Nordic Mail Curiass plus a Nordic Longsword. So I reload. The same. Now I have a wonderous bug And I worry nothing about weight. I'm currently carrying around 12 sets of Nordic Mail all ill-gotten from the Skaal and several sets of Ebony.
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Yes, a very strange problem indeed. Well the only thing I can really say, is to create a new game, because in a way, you are using bugs to your advantage, which is almost like cheating. But than again its really up to you, you can wait for someone who knows a console command to help you out, or just create a new game, IF you are not all that far that is
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Too far in. Though it seems I could fix the bug. Would be very complicatewd though. Would involve selling everything I'm carrying, cauing emcubarance to become -1000 or so. Because 10 sets of Nordic Mail reside in my Stage 1 Hlaalu Stronghold. Then once it's sold, My emcubarance would become 0/435. or 465. Then I buy back everything and leave laying around what I don't need. problem fixed. Though it'd be hard. I'd have to give Creeper 10 million gold I think...
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That bhappened to me on one of my old games! Even though I was carrying a lot of items, the weight remained at 0 or 2. I could find no way to fix this, and I started a new game (even though that one was screwed up by mods.) I had lots of mods going that messed a lot of things up. I just didn't have 20 sets of armour spawned onto my character. I'd suggest starting new game, becasue it doesn;t seem like you can do much, unless you really like Ringmail.
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well, I just tried what I said... it said I had weight until that is I bought the stuff and back 2 0!

But I am not quitting now. I have half-completed BloodMoon, killed the Dark Brotherhood leader and now am being sent off my sugar happy Cosades to the Ashlanders. So no. Not starting over.

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