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Willoric - BANNED

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Willoric banned.




Reason for the ban




It pisses me off when you people start to whine about Pirating!

First of all, I have this game TWICE , i bought it on Ps3 and on Pc (CD) but because it Steam is a s*** programm i dropped it

and i dont wanna even start about the Ps3 version....

Second. if you buy the game , you think this money gets into the pockets of bethesda and supports them to make more games ? bulls***, the Companies already bought them off bethesda ... so you bought the game from the Company, and support the company not the bethesda itself.

So please stop that high and mighty bulls***

the same with FAllout 3, which i own 3 copies from (Ps3 , Pc 2x)

and yet again i downloaded it for free

same with Skyrim

if the expect us to not download it from the Internet they should start to do they work right on the Consoles and start to get the f*** away from steam


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