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How do you prevent AI from attacking you instead of horse


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ive been having problems where my horse is getting attacked instead of i am. i was wondering if there was any fix to this.

Really, there isn't any way to have them suddenly switch from attacking you mounted to attacking you unmounted without manually telling them to attack you via console every time. Even if they like your horse better than you, they will still have the horse as their target, so won't switch off to attack you on their own. You might be able to get around the whole "things attacking horse" entirely if you manually adjust the horse's personality over 300 or so. Console alone should work. This way, nothing will be hostile toward your horse, and won't start attacking you until you dismount. Trying to adjust it through factions doesn't work too well since it bleeds onto anything else with those factions. The other solution is fortify speed and athletics (seperate spells) 40 points for 60 seconds, and forget the horse.

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