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FO4Edit texture swap?


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Assuming clothing:


If you are creating a standalone vs. a texture swap, per most tutorials, you copy *everyting* for the most part. - mesh/Nif, texture/dds, Material/bgsm, and create armo/arma records.


The material is changed in the NIF and in the bgsm in most tutorials, and that creates a true standalone mod.


I was digging into some other people's files and found that a cleaner/easier alternative is to simply reference a different BGSM file in your ARMA record and use the same mesh (nif). That means you don't have to add the 15-30 minute effort of editing the .nif, and one less thing to troubleshoot if you end up with pink non-textured stuff.


End of the day, it's not really all that hard; more steps than when using the Skyrim Creation kit or GECK, but not really all that hard. A lot easier than creating the .dds spec and normal maps....still trying to figure that out.

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