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Fallout 4 broke my mod manager


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I installed Fallout 4 a while ago and obviously i wanted to stock up on mods for after i played vanilla, so i loaded up modmanager, synced it up with fallout, downloaded two mods (not activating them) and closed it. i went and played the first few minutes and wanted to mod my skyrim. So i booted up NMM and it wouldnt load past a tenth of the logo.


I thought it might just be taking a while this time so i left it and did other stuff. After about half an hour, no progress. I've also noticed the pulse animation when loading is much faster. ive tried many times to open NMM and the same thing happens. i tried forcing an update every now and then including today to see if the bug is fixed but to no avail. I could re-instal completely but i have about a hundred mods on my skyrim. If anyone knows a fix please tell me.


my steam also started messing up and wouldnt start after the 'incident', had to re-install the whole program.

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