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ARK: Survival Evolved


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Hey gang, I recently picked up ARK: Survival Evolved from the steam sale and I am absolutely loving it. However, I feel like I'm missing an aspect of the game by not playing online in a tribe or community. I play a little on a server, but most people stick to themselves and just shoot the breeze occasionally. Does anyone play regularly on a server or would like to? I'd like to get a group to cooperate together as that seems way more efficient for advancing, and even more fun. Feel free to message me too! Thanks y'all!

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I love it. It has a lot of depth, especially for still being early access. I definitely recommend it if you like survival and sandbox games.

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Is ark fun? I heard it was but haven't gotten a chance to p!ay it yet. (Honestly doubt i will but who knows) :tongue:

It's fun to a point, but suffers from that issue of having to know a good server with people who are respectful in order to get any enjoyment from it. It's an open world sandbox survival game where a large portion of "progress" requires more than a few hours of effort. Meanwhile it is incredibly easy for someone who is already established to walk into your encampment with their dinos, break everything, and steal whatever you have that is worth taking, setting you back to almost square one.


Playing with a group working together, where you are splitting up duties and where you don't have to worry about losing everything because you logged off can be good, but is very hard to get when you don't know people.

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Thanks for the heads up, Vagrant. I've been looking for a good survival crafting game to sink my teeth into and this was one but I guess I'll steer clear of it (not interested in online multiplayer aspects, especially if it impacts on your individual progress).

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Thanks for the heads up, Vagrant. I've been looking for a good survival crafting game to sink my teeth into and this was one but I guess I'll steer clear of it (not interested in online multiplayer aspects, especially if it impacts on your individual progress).

It's arguably the biggest problem of all these survival sandbox type games, most of them are either online only, mostly unfinished, or generally lacks interesting objectives.

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Thanks for the heads up, Vagrant. I've been looking for a good survival crafting game to sink my teeth into and this was one but I guess I'll steer clear of it (not interested in online multiplayer aspects, especially if it impacts on your individual progress).

It's arguably the biggest problem of all these survival sandbox type games, most of them are either online only, mostly unfinished, or generally lacks interesting objectives.t


So true! Why the heck they release alpha stage games.

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I definitely agree with the getting stomped online, at least on a decent portion of official servers, however, there are some with a good community that it's mostly just other noobs you have to worry about. The PvE servers are a lot better about fostering cooperation. Many of the unofficial servers are pretty good, they have active admin and moderators, there's a few cases of power abuse, but it's not hard to find one where the rules are enforced. A lot enforce a no offline raid policy or only allow pvp during certain days, otherwise it's turned off. It's certainly frustrating to start out online if you don't have anyone else who plays it though. The single player isn't bad, it takes some tweaks with the settings (offered up on starting or resuming a session) to make the time more balanced for it, and there's a limit to how much you can do by yourself, but it's certainly enough to entertain oneself for a few dozen hours.


I think the merits for early access outweigh the detriments. Just look at minecraft, that was essentially the early access game that got the trend going. Certainly, there are several examples of dismal failures or money grabs, but there's a lot of games that have a solid amount of content out when they go to early access. ARK has shifted direction a decent amount since its inception to better cater to its audience and its a much more efficient way to find the bugs than to sort through all of it with a small dev team. As players, we pay much less for the game if we get early access than if we wait for full release. It's full of tradeoffs but it works pretty well I think.

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  • 1 month later...

I have considered getting it myself sometime this year. I have a little over 300 games right now, many of which I have not even played yet. A lot of the time I will buy something then notice there is not a big player base on it, so I do not bother playing the game unless its a single player & I am seriously bored. Then I might give things a try. All I have is time, if I could get people who would play games I have I would play them & put more time into them. As for this month I spent all my extra on Fallout 4, and Just Cause 3. Thankfully I got both on sale by 3rd party sites selling the keys cheaper. Got F4 for $39.74 bucks, F4 Season Pass $21.35, The Weaponized Vehicle Pack $0.41, and JC3 for $28.35, and a few other games. if I had been smart I would have bought another monitor but I figured it was time to splurge on a few games I didnt want to have to wait a few years to finaly get. Just think of all the Chinese Buffets I could have had instead...

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