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Grey blood texture issue - what might be the cause?


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Hey :smile:


I recently released my first ever mod, its a texture replacer that replaces 3 files, the base texture, normal and specular maps.

- Bloody Mess


For the majority it seems to work just fine.


But a couple of individuals have reported the blood textures appearing 'bright bluish grey' when my mod is used with another mod. My mod contains no .esp while the other mod does, but contains no textures.


Heres a screenshot of the issue: https://imgur.com/a/vxGgR


As this is my first game re-texture, I just wanted to check/confirm...is it possible for my textures to cause this issue? Perhaps a certain value in the _s or _n in combination?


Any help is appreciated.






This issue was caused by too much green in the RGB values on the specular map, when using BC5 format Intel Texture Works. There is a threshold on the colour values, after which the game engine seems to use a specific reflection texture, in locations with low light sources.


The issue itself is currently unresolvable(until the CK's out) and due to the way the game engine handles reflections. My issue was linked to the reflection texture 'popin' at certain camera angles.


This is likely nothing new to experienced people! but for anyone learning about texturing, hopefully this will shed some light on the issue :tongue:

Edited by Nikonthenet
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Thanks again :)

Yes, I've had someone with this issue confirm they ARE NOT using Moar Gore, and one person who is does not have this issue; so thats confirmed as not conflicting.


"missing _d on file name"

As my mod is a texture replacer for 'Enhanced Blood Mod', I use the exact same file names as EBT which is believed to be working correctly with almost 16k endorsements!

Could the lack of _d be the cause? and if so, why would the issue not effect the base EBT textures?

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Guest deleted2588518

Put the original textures provided with enhanced blood back and see if they are normal.


If those textures are not normal, then you've got a material file altering the spec of the texture to give off an effect.

If the textures are normal, then there is an issue with the new textures and its not a material file causing a spec glow or effect.


Then see if you've saved the new textures in a format that conflicts with the new way specs and normals are handled in the world space.


If I'm not mistaken, you want DXT5/ BC3 for diffuse maps, DXT5/ 3Dc for Specs and Normals. Its different from the old way Skyrim handled the .DDS formats so you've got to check those and make sure they aren't messed up.


There could also be an issue with the decal itself. Check the decal file provided with the mod in FO4Edit to see if there are any discrepancies.

There is also the possibility that one mod is altering the textures used for specific blood decals in their ESP. Check those as well.


I'm sure its one of those things causing your issue.

Edited by TotalMeltdown
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Thanks Totalmeltdown, thats awesomely helpful! :)

I'm almost 100% the files were saved in correct format, unless last minute mistakes were made. I will double check.

-Does 7z compression effect these things?


Wow, it quickly gets complicated with the number of mods running. And here was me thinking some re-texturing was, a simple, and easier place to start learning to mod :P

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This issue was caused by too much green in the RGB values on the specular map, when using BC5 format Intel Texture Works. There is a threshold, after which the game engine seems to use a specific reflection texture, in locations with low light sources.


This is likely nothing new to experienced people! but for anyone learning about texturing, hopefully this will shed some light on the issue :tongue:

Edited by Nikonthenet
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Guest deleted2588518

Glad you resolved your issue. Check out GIMP and the .dds plug-in it has. I recommend it over photoshop and stand-alone .dds converters.

Also, CrazyBump is an amazing tool for generating specs and normals but you need another tool to convert them into the correct formats after.

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