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Some ideas from the Stalker series


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Two things I think Stalker did that was great for immersion was one when you went to a safe zone you had to put your weapon away to enter. Would be great to have that here where if your in Diamond City with weapon drawn the guards will take that as a threat and ask you to put it away or get put down. Because even in the wasteland if your in a settlement with a weapon drawn people are going to take that as a threat and assume your ready to cause trouble.

Another thing from Stalker was how if you kept your weapon holstered, stayed in the right areas, and didn't sneak around you could approach some enemy npc's and talk to them. Like the military squad at the first area under the bridge, who would let you through if you paid or (if i remember right) did a job for them. This would be great here if you could put your weapon away and approach a hostile group thats just chilling. Allowing you to talk things out, get information, or hire soldiers (after all the gunners are guns for hire). I mean lets face it, it's pretty ridiculous how the gunners and raiders just shoot everything. Granted I get it if it was a threat they were sure of like say raiders seeing minutemen or Gunners seeing super mutants. think about it why would raiders want to waste the ammo and risk the injuries on random people and creatures just walking by. And why would the gunners want to waste the money of rebuying supplies and deal with lossing customers like say a caravan they could instead get hired to protect.


I can't be the only one who thinks this would help give the world a better feel.

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