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Frostfall 3.0 - warmth/coverage value for armor is not displayed


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I recently installed Frostfall and activated it, but when I go to my inventory, I don't see any warmth/coverage value for any piece of armor. I`ve read that it may take some time to load the values, but even after a few minutes there is still nothing. Anyone ever had this problem and knows how to solve it? Thanks in advance :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I found the problem. You have to install the optional addon for SkyUI 5.1+, located in the files section of the Frostfall 3 mod. Be sure to apply it after SkyUI is installed, then you have to login, disable Frostfall, save, restart, re-enable Frostfall. If you don't restart Frostfall, you can see the options, but they remain ghosted. Not sure if you have to restart the game, but I did just to be safe.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...

In the game disable Frostfall via the MCM.

After that wait a minute or two then save and exit the game.

In Mod Organizer disable the mod via the left menu by unticking it.

Install the new Frostfall mod and be sure to choose the SkyUI option in the installer.

Overwrite anything when asked.

Enable Frostfall via the left menu by ticking it.

Move Frostfall below SkyUI in the left menu.

Move Frostfall patches below Frostfall in the left menu.

Ensure Frostfall is on top of as much as you can in the right menu.

Start the game.

In the game enable Frostfall via the MCM.

Wait a minute or two for Frostfall to enable.

Open your items menu.

You should now see coverage and warmth ratings for your stuff.

Close the items menu and save the game.

You should now be good to play your game!


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