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Simple "no death" mod


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Hi I just had an idea. How about the player doesn't die when health reaches zero and instead, just becomes ragdollized.


  • The player will be ragdollized when health is 0 or low
  • The player will only get up if combat is done
  • The player will get up after 60 seconds if he did not die of combat (falls, traps, etc.)
  • Godmode when ragdollized so I can jump off the throat of the world, fall on a rock like any dumb dovahkiin and actually roll down onto riverwood then get up when all was said and done.



Optionals or future features

  1. MCM Configurable


Please, I think this is simple enough... Right? No death mods downloadable on the internet are just immersion thingies, like teleporting you to another place, leaving you bare on the coast of the north sea of ghosts, and other stuff. This just makes the player ragdoll when he "dies" and making the character actually godmode when he is in ragdoll mode.

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search the nexus for "death alternative your money or your life" good mod i suggest it


I also recommend this mod. Through the MCM you can configure it so you can never die, which can actually lead to some hilarious situations. (I remember climbing a mountain next to the shrine of Mehrunes Dagon to reach a dragon buriel site. Since I had Immersive Creatures installed at the time, a dragon-like skeletal beast was waiting for me. When I finally reached the site the beast shouted at me, which caused me to ragdoll ALL THE WAY DOWN the mountain in a single fall. I thought I was dead for sure, but through the miracle of DAYMOYL, I survived!)

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