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sn4keheart - Formal warning issued

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sn4keheart has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


Uncalled for insults on the forums:


"Are u kidding?

U think some1 will do what for you?

That is what you can have: WORDS.

GO STUDY and stop thinks some1 will comes for free to teach you from the beggining. that is so sux from you.

If one day u will be a good modder, than, you can find the information you need on google.com. i know it.

Seriously, its a first lose from you. no1 will know much than google and come here to ask that is so dumb.

And hell yeah, my english is a (no words to say how sux it is), but iam not asking no1 to teatch me it, sounds same thing ^.^"





This warning was issued for what took place here




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