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"Fast Travel From Anywhere" and "All Quest Objectives On Map" - Version 1.11 Fix


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For anyone having errors similar to this between these two mods, here's what I did to fix it (sorry for lack of detail, I'm not a coder!):

Error [modmapquestobjectives]wmkmapmenu.ws(167): Cannot call private function 'GetPinTypeDescription' in class 'CR4MapMenu' here.
Error [modmapquestobjectives]wmkmapmenu.ws(169): Cannot call private function 'GetPinTypeDescription' in class 'CR4MapMenu' here.
Error [modmapquestobjectives]wmkmapmenu.ws(527): Cannot call private function 'AddUniquePinTypeFilter' in class 'CR4MapMenu' here.

Here was my fix:
B) Total number of conflicts: 11 - all unsolved
C) For my conflicts I chose the following options (A for FastTravelFromAnywhere, B for MapQuestObjectives)
1) B
2) B
3) B
4) B
5) B
6) B
7) B
8) B
9) B
10) A
11) A


Then just save.

In other words, the "private function" strings need to be "public function" (from the Map Objectives script) and then the two lines from FastTravelFromAnywhere that need to be used are the ones that remove the check for initData as follows:

/* Fast travel from anywhere mod
* Removes check for initData.
if ( !initData )
showNotification( GetLocStringByKeyExt("panel_map_cannot_travel") );
return false;

Anyways hope this helps anyone else that was having an issue, and sorry for lack of explanation as I'm not really very good at code or anything =)


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