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'No Game Detected' Error upon installing Nexus Mod Manager


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Hi guys,

I'm pretty new to the community so apologies if this actually ends up being a duplicate. I'm exhausted with trying to figure out how to get NMM to detect skyrim off of Steam. This morning it was working fine but then I decided to get all of the expansions for the game and purchased the legacy pack. I downloaded the packs and the game again and the original and SKES game would just go to the launch screen and then refresh and repeat the launch screen.

I've tried the following:

-Gave both folders and EXE applications administrative rights.

-checked to see if both are up to date.


- repeated the first two steps to follow Nexus WIki instructions.

New error occurred upon trying to get NMM to 'detect' my skyrim file (The first screen where it dectects all of the mod-able games.. It detects nothing. :sad:

There is no error code and both the original and SKES file launch perfectly without via steam, but fails when it comes to implementing it to the NMM (which is sad because Mods are awesome!). It detects the steam>steamapps>common>Skyrim blah blah blah folder where the Launch and TESV exe files are then alerts me that there is no game.

I'm probably doing something wrong but I'm not sure what.

Is there a clearer process that what the Wiki and most walkthrough videos point out?


Thanks for putting up with my novice skills and Merry Christmas!


Edit 1:

Attempted to run skyrim and then get NMM up and running and nothing was detected again. Tried the same with SKES, and there was the same issue. (Thanks FunkyCanid).

currently trying un/reinstall for both. If anyone has any other ideas lemme know. Thanks!

Edited by LadyLoquacious
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Boot up Skyrim from Steam first and then try.

Love your avatar with the santa hat on Scar. its festive!


Anyway, I tried that with both Skyrim and SKES booted up and there was still no game detected. :(

Any other ideas? Is there a specific application file the NMM needs to recognize that I'm not seeing in the Wiki tutorial?


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