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Can't find the hide helmet in the forge menu


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Hey there,


I'm trying to do that quest in Riverwood where you make a variety of items at the forge. It's the one designed to teach you how to use the forge early on in the game. I hope you know what I'm talking about. Anyway, I'm at the part where I'm supposed to make a hide helmet...but that particular item isn't showing up in the forge menu! I can forge a hide armor, hide boots, hide bracers, and hide shield, but there is no option for a hide helmet.


This is the weirdest bug I've encountered yet. And yes, I know it's supposed to show up in the hide section. It just isn't there!


Can anyone help? Thank you!

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Actually, I installed some new armour mods, so I'll have to try disabling those to see if they're the cause. The trouble is, I haven't played Skyrim in almost two months and I can't remember which armour mods are the new ones, and I currently have about ten-thousand armour mods installed.


This is gonna take some time. Sigh...

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Disabling armour mods didn't work. You know, I had a few moments when Mod Organizer wasn't recognizing the Skyrim, Dawngaurd, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn esms. I wonder if that had anything to do with it? Anyway, here are the screenshots:















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If you don't have TOO many mods changing crafting and armors, and you suspect which mod may be responsible for missing helmet, you can try to ask this on corresponding mod page>posts section, or you can try to post those mod names here, someone may know something.


It surely mod issue, in vanilla you'd have it.

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